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A Cubit in the Bible

    What is a Cubit in the Bible?

    A cubit is a measurement unit used in the Bible. In Judges 3:16 a cubit is measured by a rod or staff called “gomed.” The Hebrew word for “gomed” means “cut” but is more accurately translated as “span” in the Septuagint and Vulgate. The term also refers to the short cubit.

    2,000 cubit square

    In the bible, the 2,000 cubit square refers to the area of land around a city. In verses four and five, the square refers to the city’s surrounding pasture land. However, the verses do not mention where the city’s frontage begins. The 2,000 cubits described in verse five would refer to the area of a city’s pastures on each side, not the whole area.

    The Biblical cubit was a very small unit, equivalent to about a finger-breadth. Some sources put it at 0.83 or 0.87 inches. Others, like Talmudic scholar Chazon Ish, place it at two centimeters. In terms of measuring area, 2,000 cubits correspond to 1,863 square feet.

    This measurement is difficult to establish precisely, because of the long periods of time and varying geographical locations. As a result, a cubit’s size may be inaccurate or exaggerated. In addition, the cubit’s size is influenced by myth and stories, and this can complicate the calculation of the biblical dimensions.

    In the bible, the 2,000 cubit square was also used to measure the distance between the Ark of the Covenant and the people. This distance is assumed to be the Sabbath day journey. In addition, the Maccabees books contain similar distance measurements, as Bethsur is said to be five schoinoi from Jerusalem.

    Distance between Noah’s ark and the people

    There is some controversy surrounding Noah’s Flood and the distance between Noah’s ark and the people. It’s long been thought that this event is improbable, but questions about the flood came up during the great age of exploration in the seventeenth century. These questions were triggered by the discoveries of new species and their ancestors.

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    Some people believe that Noah’s ark landed on Mount Ararat, a 17,000-foot volcanic mountain in present-day Turkey. However, the Book of Genesis does not mention the exact location of the ark. Rather, it describes the ark landed on the mountains surrounding Ararat.

    Noah’s ark was a remarkably large vessel. In addition to housing seventy people, it had space for two elephants. Two elephants would have required about 15,000 gallons of fresh water. In addition, they would have needed storage space for the water. The ark was not equipped with refrigeration.

    When it was time to leave, the ark was carried behind the people on poles. The priests wore shoes and dipped their feet in the water. The ark would lead the people toward the bank of the Jordan. When the ark landed on the bank, God would show his power by parting the waters. Consequently, people would have had to follow the exact route and the ark would act as a visible guide.

    The Bible provides many details of Noah’s Ark, including its massive size. The ark is roughly three hundred and fifty cubits long and thirty cubits wide. This makes it the equivalent of one and a half football fields. It is said that the original ark was 300 cubits long, which is about 510 feet in modern measurements. The Bible teaches that the ark is very large, but it is not as large as some scholars have claimed.


    The cubit is a unit of measurement used in many ancient texts, such as the Bible. Various biblical texts describe cubits as being a quarter of a mile, half of a cubit, or one hundred cubits. This unit of measurement is also sometimes referred to as the post.

    Originally, the cubit was the basic unit of measurement used in early Israel and surrounding Near East countries. In the Bible, cubits are used to describe various structures. They are similar to the nautical unit of depth, the fathom, which is standardized at six feet. The Hawaiians used a different unit of measurement, the ha’ilima, which is the distance from the tip of one’s longest finger to the elbow of the same arm.

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    The cubit was often used to measure textiles in antiquity. In the Middle Ages, the cubit was divided into smaller units, including the span of an arm. In less industrialized regions, the cubit was often divided into fractions of a foot. The length of a cubit was also used for tabernaculo.

    In addition to the Bible, the ancient Greek and Roman texts mention cubit as a unit of measurement. However, the Greeks and Romans used different lengths of cubits. The Roman cubit is seventeen inches, the Scriptures, on the other hand, measure twenty-two inches.


    In the bible, a cubit is a measure of distance between the elbow and middle finger. However, most Bible translations have substituted contemporary units for the biblical measurement. For example, the New English Bible translates nine cubits into fourteen feet, while the Good News Bible converts it to four metres. The Siloam aqueduct was 1,200 cubits long.

    The cubit was a common unit of measurement in ancient times. It was widely used by the Hebrews, Babylonians, and Egyptians. The length of a human arm varied from person to person, but it usually ranged from seventeen to eighteen inches. According to Deuteronomy 3:11, a cubit was a “natural” unit of length. It was a common unit of measurement for distances, ranging from the length of a man to the depth of the sea.

    The Hebrew word for cubit means mother. It is derived from the Latin word cubitus. A cubit is the length of a human arm from elbow to wrist. However, the length of a cubit varied greatly among different nations. In the Bible, the Hebrew cubit was 17 inches, while the Greek cubit was twenty-two inches. The English cubit, on the other hand, is eighteen inches.

    Ancient Egypt used the cubit. The Nile was often flood-prone, and the ancient Egyptians had to recreate their fields. Farmers had to use their forearms to draw lines in the mud with ropes. They also used a variety of simple measuring units, including the fathom. The distance between the longest fingers of one hand was four cubits.

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    The cubit, which is a length of one’s arm measured between the middle finger and elbow, has a varying meaning in the Bible. Unlike modern metric units, the cubit had no fixed meaning in ancient cultures. As a result, cubits have varied in length in different cultures, although they have remained a relatively standard length for human beings throughout history.

    The Bible uses cubits to measure length, width, and height. The Ark, for instance, was 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. However, the length of the boat was not specified in Genesis 6:15. It is likely that the cubits in Genesis 6:15 are shorter than the length of the Ark, which was about three hundred feet long. In biblical times, a cubit was the distance between the little finger and thumb when they were fully opened. Half a cubit was nine inches, making Goliath nine feet nine inches tall.

    The cubit is a unit of measurement that was originally derived from the Latin cubitum, meaning elbow. It was also called pekhus in Greek. In ancient times, cubits varied greatly in length. In fact, it was common for the length of an arm to differ by up to a few inches. In modern times, a cubit is equivalent to 18 inches.

    The cubit appears in both the Old Testament and Hebrew Scripture. The cubit was also a popular unit in the ancient Near East. Although the cubit has lost its prominence, it is still used in some parts of the world. Ancient cubits varied in length, so it is helpful to look at biblical passages when you want to find out more about this ancient unit.

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