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How Many Words Are in the Niv Bible

    How Many Words Are in the Bible?

    You may be wondering how many words are in the Bible. Here is a chart that shows the number of words in the Bible and the frequency with which they occur. Important words are bold and color-coded. Here are some examples. The most important words in the Bible are bolded in this chart.


    The Bible has a long history and is filled with controversial topics. However, the Bible is an important tool for understanding the world around us. In the Niv version, there are 783,131 words. It is the longest version of the Bible, and includes several books that were rejected by Martin Luther.

    The Niv Bible contains seventy-one thousand words, a small percentage more than the King James Authorized Bible. However, the Bible is not the same for every language. The King James Authorized Bible has 783,137 words, and the New International Bible contains eighty-three thousand and five hundred words. Both the King James and the New International versions are largely different. This is largely due to the difference in language and the omission of words that are now obsolete.


    Almost half a million words are missing from the KJV Bible. But the NIV Bible is different. It has more than 622,771 words. And it has been translated into more than 70 languages. It is also more detailed than the KJV. The NIV Bible contains all the important stories and events in the Bible. It was published by Biblica, a company that was once known as the International Bible Society, in 1978.

    There are several ways to determine the word count of the Bible. The original Hebrew language has an unknown number of words. This is one of the reasons why different translations have different word counts. Other factors that affect word counts include differences in language and the omission of old words.

    The NIV was developed by a committee of evangelical scholars in Chicago. The committee chose to translate the Bible from the best available Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic texts. The committee also sought to make the translation accessible for modern readers. More than 100 scholars worked on the translation. The first edition was published in 1973, and revisions were made in 1978 and 1983.

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    The New International Version Bible, published in 1984 and 1989, was written with the goal of shedding light in a dark world. Its translators used the earliest sample as a basis for making the translation clear and easy to understand. The translation was not based on the King James Bible, but on the grammatical details of the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek texts.

    The word count of the Bible is difficult to determine, especially if it was written in the Hebrew language. Hundreds of different translations exist, and the word count varies significantly from one version to another. The King James Authorized Bible, for example, contains 783,137 words.

    In some cases, the word strings overlap. For example, the word ‘ets’ occurs three times in the Hebrew Bible, but its equivalent in the NIV Bible is ‘creatures.’ ‘Tzaddik’ has an English equivalent of ‘trees’.


    The Niv Bible has thirteen words in its text. The first one is ‘Jesus.’ It’s the third longest word in the Bible. The other words are “Lord,” “Christ,” and “Satan”. The Niv Bible uses these 13 words only to describe Jesus and the apostles.

    The word ‘leaven’ is also found in the Bible. The Hebrew word ‘honest’ means “to leaven,” and the NRSV translation uses it as “leaven” for the word. Despite the fact that the Septuagint is not complete, the NIV still uses it in this verse.

    It is also important to note that different versions of the Bible contain different numbers of words. This is because ancient Hebrew and Greek Bible manuscripts have different styles and grammar. As a result, the number of times a particular word appears in a specific verse varies. Therefore, a person should always look at the original text for the word’s exact appearance.

    Another example is the Greek word charagma. It relates to branding an animal, but is also used to refer to idols and negative ideas. Another word, sphragis, means “cap.” This word is the Greek word for proof and inscription.

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    The Psalms are a collection of poems and sacred songs written in the Old Testament. They form the third section of the biblical canon, which is called Writings. Psalms are divided into five “books.” Book 1 includes Psalms one through 41, while Book 2 contains Psalms 42-72. Book 3 has Psalms 73-89, while Book 4 covers Psalms 90-106. Book 5 contains Psalms 107-150. There is no clear outline of the entire Psalms, so it is recommended that you study each individual psalm closely.

    The Psalter’s main metaphor is the supreme kingship of Yahweh. This theological theme is pervasive throughout the OT. It provides an essential perspective on the world. All creatures are under the rule of the creator, and all humans are dependent on him. The Psalter also warns against pride, which is the root of all evil.

    Psalms were compiled by different authors and were used for various purposes. Some psalms are didactic, teaching a particular way of godliness. Their collection shows that their primary purpose was to instruct believers in their faith. This theological approach is both practical.


    The New International Version, or Niv Bible, contains approximately one-hundred and twenty-two thousand words. This translation is based on the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek text. There are, however, differences between versions. The difference between these versions is usually not a large one.

    The word count for each translation varies. The King James Authorized Bible has 783,137 words. It is not uncommon to find more than one Bible version. However, there is no unified standard for Bible word count. This is due to differences in language, and the omission of obsolete words in modern versions.

    Nevertheless, the NIV Bible has undergone a continuous revision process, and the latest version of this study bible is due to be published in 2020. The NIV Bible is a combination of ancient and modern texts, and was translated into English by a team of scholars. The translation process began nearly 49 years ago and continues today. It is based on the most recent Dead Sea scrolls and the Novum Testamentum Graeca. It was originally published by the Lockman Foundation, who called the NIV bible a “liberal threat” when it was first published.

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    3 John

    There are thousands of words missing in the NIV Bible. For example, the word “God” is not translated 50 times, but 151 times in the new testament. That’s a huge omission. However, the number of omitted words is far smaller than the number of words that are added. You can find the list of omitted words in the concordance of the NIV.

    The King James Authorized Bible contains 783,137 words. This means that it would take you nearly two hundred and sixty-five hours to type the entire thing. The Bible also contains 3,116,480 letter characters. It is common for Bibles to contain printing errors. For instance, the word “not” in the commandment “Thou shalt not commit adultery” was accidentally omitted.

    The number of words in the Niv Bible is similar to the word count in the King James Bible. However, the word count in the English Standard Version (ESV) is a lot higher than the number of words in the Niv Bible. The English Standard Bible has about 700,000 words, but it is not as long as the King James Bible.


    The NIV Bible contains thousands of words that have been omitted from the Hebrew version, and it adds thousands more. It also adds the word “God” 151 times in the new testament. You can view the list of omitted words in the NIV concordance.

    The NIV Bible contains approximately 807,361 words. This number is divided evenly between the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament contains 602,580 words, while the New Testament has 180,551 words. The NIV Bible contains a total of 4,106,717 letters. Of those, 3,165,193 are used in the Old Testament. The New Testament is composed of 941,524 words.

    There are hundreds of versions of the Bible. This is because of the differences in language and the exclusion of many obsolete words. This makes it difficult to determine the exact word count for a particular Bible.

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