What Does Chastening Mean in the Bible?
The Bible describes chastening in different ways. There is a direct and indirect chastening, which can be referred to as “a word that denotes punishment.” The word is often used to describe an action or an event in the Bible. In other words, chastening is punishment given for a sin.
Isaiah 2:12-17
The Chastening in Isaiah 2:12-17 is a powerful passage that warns of the Lord’s coming judgment. This judgement will reveal the glory of God and humble mankind’s pride and loftiness. It is also a time of judgment for those who do not submit to God.
The Chastening in Isaiah 2:12-17 emphasizes the importance of preparation for the coming of God. God’s coming is described as coming from the wilderness, implying that people must be ready. The passage uses imagery of God coming out of the wilderness, just as Israel came out of the wilderness into the Promised Land.
The phrase “ships of Tarshish” refers to the commerce in Tarsus, where a nation of ships was built. The Lord will judge man’s loftiness and pride on the Day of Judgment. The Babylonian captivity was one way God judged the nation of Israel for their haughtiness and pagan idolatry.
The wrath and judgement of God are a regular feature in the Old Testament. Yet we can’t escape their reach. In some cases, we are chastened more than once for the same sin. For example, if we are texting and driving, we not only damage other drivers and get a ticket from the police. It’s almost as if we were paying twice for the same crime.
Living the Christian life requires personal responsibility for obedience. It requires daily living, and the power of God’s Spirit will empower us to do so.
Samson’s immoral relationship with a Philistine woman
God’s judgment on Samson’s immoral relationship with – and subsequent death – reveals how far he had fallen from the standards of godliness. Although he was a fierce enemy of the Philistines, Samson was in love with a Philistine woman, Delilah. This relationship was forbidden, and the Lord punished Samson severely.
Samson lived in danite territory, but often visited the Philistine kingdom for his leisure time. His refusal to marry an Israelite woman gave God an opportunity to move against the Philistines. Ultimately, God used Samson’s consorting with Philistine women to help him bring down the yoke of Philistines.
The Philistine woman was not of the LORD, but sided with her people against Samson. In addition to this, the Philistine woman failed to fulfill the basic idea of marriage – leaving one’s parents behind. This is a principle found in Matthew 19:5 – and the underlying message is that Samson’s marriage was wrong. He had no right to marry a Philistine.
Israel’s spiritual condition degenerates with each successive cycle of rebellion and repression. Though God was always faithful to restore His people, each successive cycle diminished Israel’s spiritual leadership. Samson was the last judge, and was not the spiritual leader Israel needed. His birth, however, was filled with promise. The Angel of Yahweh visited his mother during her barrenness and instructed her to abstain from strong drink, wine, and unclean food. His relationship with Yahweh was important to Samson.
Samson’s marriage to Delilah was an act of defiance of God’s law. This relationship was contrary to the law of God and was an infringement of the morals of the Philistines. It was a flagrant violation of the ordinances of Jehovah and was not justified by a blessing from God.
Jesus’ rebuke to Esau
Esau is a prime example of what happens when the wrong person takes advantage of a weaker person. In the story of Jacob and Esau, Jacob took advantage of Esau’s weakness to gain more. We all want to gain advantage. We also have a tendency to be deceived by the devil, who always waits for the weakest person to attack. Jesus himself was tempted by the devil after fasting for 40 days, so the temptation is quite familiar.
Esau’s sinful behavior and lack of faith had already developed beyond childhood resentments, but he still saw his brother as the father and a part of himself. The parable of the Prodigal Son also used Esau as an example. As soon as he saw Jacob, Esau ran to greet him.
Abraham’s genetic material was similar to Isaac’s and Rebekah’s, so the two had a common ancestor. Genesis 1:26-28 does not specify which one had the genetic weakness, but it does mention God’s making the couple fertile. Esau’s behavior was a result of his hunger and his lack of consideration for the future. Isaac, on the other hand, was more worried about man’s potential violence and less concerned with God’s protection.
Rebekah should have encouraged unity between the two brothers. Jacob’s refusal to accept Esau’s blessing was an example of a faulty attitude on his part. He failed to understand that selling his birthright meant that he had to give up the blessing that comes with it. In addition, his lack of understanding about what God expected from him led to his loss.
The Bible also mentions Esau’s name 60 times, albeit as Esau. But Deedat failed to tell his readers that every occurrence of the name is a reference to Esau, and that Muhammad also appears more than sixty times in Genesis.
Jesus’ rebuke to Jesus’ disciples
Jesus’ rebuke to his disciples demonstrates the severity of his disapproval. Jesus had given them authority to cast out demons, but the disciples slipped up and failed. As a result, Jesus had to come and clean up the mess. This story can be used to highlight the importance of prayer and fasting.
Jesus often used the tragic events of his life to call his followers to repentance. In one story, he singles out the faith of a Gentile centurion who told Jesus that he would cure his servant. He contrasted unbelief to faith and explained that the latter would incur an eternal punishment.
Peter, who had been so confident in his own power and ability, was unable to understand the significance of Jesus’ words. He claimed to protect Jesus during the Last Supper, but acted rashly when Jesus was arrested. Peter’s focus was on the Messiah and Israel’s power, and he did not understand the significance of Jesus dying for his followers.
Peter’s approach to Jesus was inappropriate for a student-teacher relationship. In the past, disciples did not speak to their masters in this manner. Peter had referred to Jesus as the Son of the Living God, but Jesus’ words did not match the expectations of his followers. Peter had responded to Jesus’ recent claims as the Messiah and the Jewish religious leaders’ willingness to kill him.
The disciples did not trust Jesus. Jesus had to teach them that they should trust him and that the least among us is the greatest. But the disciples did not understand this lesson. Eventually, they started arguing over who was the greatest.