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What Does Revile Mean in the Bible

    What Does Revile Mean in the Bible? what does revile mean in the bible

    The word “revile” in the Bible has several meanings. It can mean a variety of things, including drunkard, liar, or ideolater. In the Old Testament, it is used in Leviticus 24:10-16. This passage describes a man who is accused of being a blasphemer against the Lord. In response, the Lord declared that anyone who blasphemes the name of the Lord is to be put to death.


    Revile is a word that refers to insulting, cursing, or publicly injuring another person. The word is also used to describe the actions of abusers. Reviling is an abuse-motivated way to make someone feel inferior or unworthy. A victim of abuse may not even realize that their abuser is reviling him or her.

    The Bible uses the word revile in various contexts. In the Old Testament, revilers were called blasphemers against the Lord. The word “blasphemer” in this passage is also translated as “reviler.” The Lord’s response to the blasphemer’s actions was to kill him.

    In Jesus’ time, followers of the Lord were often the targets of revilers. As Christians, we are not to retaliate by reviling those who oppose us. Christ Himself set a good example. He was accused of being a man given to wine, an agent of the Devil, and a Sabbath-breaker. Yet, in the face of all of these accusations, He did not revile the accusers. He also chose to remain silent when false accusations were made against him before Pilate.

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    The word “revile” in the Bible means to insult, slander, or rail against someone. This word is found in Acts 23:3. It is a Greek word with an English equivalent. The word is highlighted in yellow in the Bible. When you read a Greek word, you might see more meanings underlined. You can find more definitions for a Greek word in the Strong’s Concordance.


    The Bible has several verses regarding drinking, but they don’t specifically condemn alcohol as a sin. Instead, they speak of God’s displeasure at humans who misuse alcohol and other mind-altering substances. As such, Bible references to drinking and drug abuse are often vague and need to be taken with a grain of salt. The Bible’s stance on drinking is a complicated one, and interpreting Bible verses relating to alcohol can be difficult.

    In the Bible, Jesus is accused of being a drunkard, but this accusation is based on a fabrication by unscrupulous critics. There’s no way the critics could have known that Jesus was drinking when He was arrested – if He had been seen drinking grape juice, they would have charged Him with drunkenness.


    The Bible uses a term called revile to describe abusive, slanderous behavior. It can mean cursing, condemning, or falsely accusing someone. Reviling is common practice among abusers. These people are highly skilled flatterers and have the capacity to make others feel bad.

    A reviler accuses another person of something, making him or her look like the villain. A reviler’s goal is to control their targets, and they enjoy keeping them off guard. This means they won’t be able to expose their true intentions. It’s important to recognize when you’re being attacked, and to respond accordingly.

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    A Christian should not revile fellow believers. They should correct others when they believe in a false doctrine. Revilers often don’t admit to their errors, and they attack the messenger of the truth.

    Not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother

    The Bible warns us not to associate with people who are unholy, immoral, or who have profane names. Paul also warns us not to eat with idolaters, who have their souls devoted to an object instead of God. We should also avoid eating with drunkards and extortionists.

    The Bible warns that people will revile us, and Jesus Himself was reviled by people. While we may feel repelled by such acts, we should remember that God is the ultimate judge. Therefore, when someone says something bad about us, we must respond with kindness and sensitivity.

    The word revile comes from the Old Testament. In Leviticus 24:10-16, a man was accused of blasphemy, which is sometimes translated as revile. God reacted by saying that anyone who blasphemes God will be put to death.

    Not to lose heart

    The Bible warns us not to lose heart when reviling. Revilers misuse their gift of speech, accusing others of bad behavior or bad company. They also deny God and reduce Him to a comfortable entity. These people do not have fear of God, but will suffer the wrath of God. According to Jude 1:10, reviling the majesty of angels is a sin.

    Sadly, we may not be facing the public ridicule and imprisonment of the disciples of Jesus. But we may be losing heart and tempted to give up. Instead, we should turn to our Savior, Jesus. His words are better than ours. In the end, losing heart and giving up is not the solution to any problem.

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    Not to be named among God’s own people

    The Old Testament uses the term reviler to describe someone who makes a personal attack on God. It is also used to refer to those who are blasphemous against the Lord. Depending on the translation, this can also mean “unnamed” or “not to be named among God’s own people.” The Lord’s response to this is that anyone who blasphemes against Him will be put to death.

    Reviling is an abusive practice. It involves making insulting or offensive remarks about another person in a public setting, and is different from backbiting or cursing, which are actions that happen behind another person’s back. Reviling someone means slandering, mocking, or threatening them.

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