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What Does the Bible Say About Selfishness in Marriage

    What Does the Bible Say About Selfishness in Marriage?what does the bible say about selfishness in marriage

    When two people marry, they become one entity, but sometimes selfishness in marriage can lead to problems. The bible has a lot to say about this issue. Take a look at some of the bible verses that address this issue. In Ephesians 5:21-23, Paul says, “Submit yourselves to your own husband, and look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of your wife.” Then, read Matthew 7:6 – “Love your wife as yourself,” and keep that principle in mind.

    Ephesians 5:21-23 – Submit yourselves to your own husbands

    Ephesians 5:21-23 tells wives to submit themselves to their own husbands as to the Lord. Several translations of the Bible use the word “submit” instead of “humble” in this section. The NIV and KJV both use “submit” in this verse, but they do not render it in the same way. Regardless, the command is clear: wives must submit themselves to their own husbands in marriage. The marriage is a testimony of God’s love.

    Similarly, the Bible doesn’t require women to submit themselves to their husbands in all areas of their lives. It only commands submission in the home and in church. Men aren’t to be the sole authority in all areas of life. However, the phrase “as to the Lord” is crucial to understanding the passage. Two major wrong interpretations of this phrase have emerged over the centuries.

    Submission to your husband is an essential part of marriage. The word “submit” in verse 21 has two meanings: love and fear. The latter refers to the condition of being a servant. Both women and men must serve one another with respect. The purpose of submission is to give each other a place in the marriage. This means not only to submit to your husband, but also to love him and follow his leadership.

    In the context of marriage, submission to your husband is a crucial part of a woman’s role in the family. This commandment is often taken out of context and grossly misinterpreted. While the passage commands wives to submit to their husbands, it does not require women to submit to all men. In fact, Ephesians 5:22-23 only refers to marriage; dating relationships, employment contexts, or other relationships do not qualify as submission to a husband.

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    Philippians 2:4 – Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others

    This verse in Philippians 2:4 has a profound impact. It captures the spirit of Jesus and Paul and exhorts us to look beyond ourselves to the needs of others. When we do that, we develop a larger perspective on our lives. Our marriages are not just about ourselves, but about the needs of those around us.

    One way to understand this verse is to compare it to a symphony. Each instrument has a different part in the piece, but there is a beautiful harmony. In a marriage, every man should be looking not only at his own things, but also at the things of his wife and children.

    The root word kenos can describe people and also things that are evil. In the KJV, the word is translated as vainglory, which refers to excessive pride in one’s own success. Selfishness and arrogance are the opposite of humility. In Philippians 2:4, Paul calls selfishness “empty conceit.” It is a compound word that means “empty glory”.

    As Christians, we are called to serve others, not just ourselves. We are called to promote the glory of God and the salvation of men. It is our duty, therefore, to seek the welfare of those around us and serve them in our daily lives.

    Matthew 7:6 – Do not love the world or the things in the world

    The commandment to love God and not the world has three arguments and incentives. The first argument says that when you love the world, you don’t love God, and therefore, you will perish along with it. The second argument says that if you love God, you will live forever with Him.

    The second argument focuses on the fact that people must put God before the world in marriage. This is not easy and requires discernment, but the message of this passage is clear. Jesus instructs his followers not to love the things of the world.

    The first argument involves the need to have the right mindset and to put the Lord first in marriage. We need to remember that love is not blind. We must follow Christ. This means that we must be honest in our marriage and love our husbands and wives. If we don’t, then our marriage will suffer.

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    The third argument is the opposite of the first. We must make our marriages based on our beliefs, but we can’t let ourselves be influenced by the world’s opinions. In addition, we must be open to God’s will. Our desires must be in line with his will. If we don’t follow God’s will, our marriage will suffer.

    Love your wife as your own self

    If you want to love your wife as your own self in marriage, you must be willing to sacrifice yourself for her. In other words, you must love her 100 percent, regardless of her behavior. This means that you cannot respond to her anger with anger. You must also love her as if she were your own body.

    Love your wife with a sanctifying love. Jesus sacrificed his life for his bride, so the husband must be devoted to her first. In this way, he can truly love his wife as himself. This means that he must understand that his wife exists first for God and has been set apart to him for a purpose.

    As a husband, you should be willing to invest in your wife’s spiritual growth. There are numerous benefits to doing so. Your wife will feel loved and will be thankful for the investment. She will reciprocate this love by helping you reach your spiritual goals. This love will strengthen your marriage.

    To show your wife that you love her, you must help her become holy. That means helping her unleash her talents and passions for the glory of God. You must respect her, even if she is imperfect.

    Selfishness is self-centeredness

    While compassion for selfishness may seem counterintuitive, it’s important to approach the problem with a touch of empathy. Selfishness is a reflection of an inability to recognize or appreciate others. Often, this behavior is learned in childhood and continues throughout life. This type of behavior is harmful and can lead to an eroded relationship and emotional loss.

    A selfish spouse will not reciprocate the effort put into their marriage. It’s important to remember that your spouse needs to invest in the relationship in order to make it work. It’s also important for you to invest time in the marriage as well. Often, a selfish spouse will leave the home unclean after work and expect their partner to do the work.

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    Selfishness is an all-too-common problem in marriage. One study found that 80% of couples have at least one partner who is more selfish than the other. Interestingly, the average number of therapists who responded to the survey was 53%. While it’s not clear why this is the case, one of the most common factors is addiction, depression, and infidelity. In addition, many spouses turn to food, alcohol, or overspending to deal with their own unhappiness.

    As a result, addressing selfishness in your marriage can be a difficult task. As a spouse, you should know the root of the problem so you can deal with it properly. In many cases, the problem stems from something that you’ve done, or something else your spouse did. Whatever the case, keep your frustration and disappointment to a minimum, and keep talking and communicating honestly. This is the first step to solving the problem.


    One of the worst things that can happen in a marriage is that one spouse starts to be too selfish. This is a major problem in a marriage because it can result in strife and brokenness. In addition, people who are too selfish lose respect from their spouse. Therefore, it is crucial to avoid this temptation in your marriage.

    One of the most powerful Biblical teachings on selfishness in marriage focuses on the importance of renouncing pride. While it may seem difficult, we all have moments when our pride gets the better of us. In these times, we need to remind ourselves of what Jesus did for us, and how His love freed us from our sins. In addition, we need to remember that we need to love our spouse and show him/her that we are grateful for the sacrifice God made for us.

    In the Bible, we are told that love requires giving. Scripture calls us to love and serve our spouses with our best efforts, regardless of what that means for ourselves. It also teaches us that we should not act from empty conceit, which Paul compares to arrogance and vanity. This is a symptom of narcissism and is contrary to the principles of love.

    The Bible also teaches that marriage should be about the other person and not about ourselves. In fact, Paul warned that a marriage that is based on selfishness will fail. Selfishness is the root of trouble in marriages.