What Is an Awl in the Bible?
The awl appears only two times in the Bible, in Exodus 21:6 and Deut. 15:17, where it is used to bore the ear of a slave who has volunteered to serve the Lord perpetually. The Bible does not mention the awl at all in the rest of the Bible.
It represents perpetual service
The awl in the Bible represents perpetual duty and service. This symbol was used to describe the obligation of a slave or bondservant to stay in service forever. The word “olam” can mean “period” or “everlasting” and could also mean “until the Jubilee year.”
It represents servant obedience
The Bible uses a variety of symbols to depict servant obedience. For example, in Exodus 21:6 a servant’s ear was pierced by an awl, symbolizing a lifelong service in the service of his master. The ear represents the organ of hearing, so it makes sense that this act would be associated with obedience.
This symbol of servant obedience also appears in the Old Testament. Hebrew servants were required to serve their master for at least six years before they could leave the household. This ritual formalized the relationship and provided a sense of mutual commitment. In addition, the awl, made from bone, stone, or flint, was a sharp tool that served many purposes in ancient Israel, including drilling holes. This tool was also used to mark the servant for life.
The word “bond-servant” derives from the same root as “slave.” It means a purchased or owned slave that is obedient to a master. While the term is rarely used outside of Christianese, it lends itself to misinterpretation, and many translations avoid it. This is one of the reasons why the term “bond-slave” is used.
It represents lawlessness
Lawlessness is an evil attitude that goes against God’s will. The word lawlessness in the Bible is derived from the Greek word anomos, which means “without law.” It is also known as “wrath.” In the King James Version, lawlessness is translated as “unlawful”, “wickedness,” or “transgression of the law.” All of these translations convey the basic meaning of lawlessness.
Lawlessness is described in verse 7 by a personal entity or person. This entity or person must reveal themselves to God. This personal entity could be a group of individuals, but Paul most likely has one person in mind when he uses this imagery. The use of passive voice in this verse makes it hard to discern whether Paul is speaking about God or the actions of an evil agent.
Lawlessness is also symbolized in the Bible by the number thirteen. Nimrod was the generation thirteen of Ham’s line. The number 13 is also representative of every government that is created by man and inspired by Satan.
It represents sin
An awl is a tool that is used to make holes in wood and leather. It is also used to prepare the wood for nails. It was used to make a hole in the ear of a Hebrew servant. However, the awl does not necessarily represent sin. This tool is actually used to represent a willingness to serve and submit to a master.
The word sin in the Bible has several definitions. Often, the word sin refers to failure or missing the mark. It also describes going the wrong way. In Proverbs 19:2, the soldier aims his awl at his opponent’s hair and misses.