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What Is the Christmas Story in the Bible

    What is the Christmas Story in the Bible?

    The story of Jesus’ birth is a familiar one, told in the Bible in two versions. The traditional version depicts Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem, Jesus being born in a manger and being visited by the Magi. In this familiar version, material from both accounts are blended and preserved in Christmas carols and stable scenes and the liturgical cycle of readings.

    Lesson 1

    The Christmas story is a beautiful narrative that highlights the faith of those involved. God used the trust of these characters to bring His son into the world and to save mankind. In this way, we can learn about our Savior and the importance of worshiping Him. In this lesson, we will look at the birth of Jesus and his humble beginnings.

    To get the kids to understand Jesus’ birth, explain how God chose Mary to be the mother of Jesus. Then, tell them the story in the Bible and use scriptures to explain some of the important parts. You may want to lead worship before the Bible lesson to help the children feel more involved in the lesson.

    You can use the Bible story as a teaching tool by using these creative Christmas bible lesson ideas with your children. One idea is to have the children reenact the story. For example, they can imagine themselves as the Wise Men who followed the star and brought gifts to the Christ Child. This way, the children will see how God loves everyone.

    Mary’s visit to Elizabeth

    The Christmas story in the Bible begins with Mary’s visit to Elizabeth. The young woman is a few weeks pregnant and wonders why Mary would come to her. Then, Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit and responds in a supernatural way. She becomes filled with joy and wonder, as well as fear and trembling.

    The story begins in Luke 1:1 and continues in Luke 1:42-45. Elizabeth is pregnant and is filled with the Holy Spirit. She had never been able to have a baby before, but her pregnancy was a miracle. Elizabeth was thrilled with the news and was able to conceive the child she would later name Jesus.

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    After Elizabeth gave birth to the baby, she welcomed Mary with joy. It’s a miracle that God chose to make Elizabeth pregnant. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and Elizabeth had to sing a part of the rosary. She greeted Gabriel with “Hail, Mary!” She then continued to sing “Blessed are you among women” and “Blessed is the fruit of your womb.” These are all phrases that the rosary borrows from Elizabeth.

    Joseph’s visit to Zechariah

    The Christmas story in the Bible begins with the visit of an angel to the priest Zechariah. The angel told Zechariah that a baby was on its way, and that the baby would be called the Messiah. This baby was supposed to be the one who would lead the people to God. However, Zechariah was skeptical about the angel’s message because he could not talk to Elizabeth while she was pregnant.

    After Mary and Joseph had visited Zechariah’s house, an angel came and told them that God had sent them a baby. This baby would be named Jesus and would save humanity from sin. The angel also told Joseph not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife, because God would send him a baby in order to save mankind.

    Three wise men

    The three wise men are an important part of the Christmas story in the Bible, and they are always included in nativity scenes. However, it is unlikely that these men actually saw the baby Jesus on the night of His birth. Instead, many Christians believe that the Magi came to visit the Christ Child twelve days after His birth. The feast of Epiphany commemorates this visit, which is also one of the oldest holidays in Christianity.

    The three wise men are also one of the most well-known figures in the Christmas story. Many nativity scenes depict these men, and there are also many poems and songs about them. They have also appeared in movies, plays, and Sunday school skits. They are some of the most popular figures in our culture, and many people have seen images of the wise men on camels.

    Star of Bethlehem

    The Star of Bethlehem is an important part of the Christmas story in the Bible. This miraculous star is mentioned in twelve places in the Bible. Many people believe that the star represents the coming of God in human form. This is also believed to be the reason why the wise men visited Bethlehem. The Bible does not mention how the wise men found the child, but some believe they came by following the star.

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    It is not clear what exactly the star was, but some Bible scholars believe it was an angel. Others believe it was a manifestation of the Shekinah Glory, which is the visible presence of God in the sky. The Shekinah was visible both day and night and guided people to specific places.


    The Christmas story in the Bible tells us that the Magi came to Bethlehem to search for the Messiah, the promised king of the Jews. They saw a star in the east and traveled to Bethlehem. Once they found the Messiah, Herod sought to kill him. In his zeal to kill Jesus, he ordered the slaughter of all the children of Bethlehem.

    The Christmas story in the Bible is one of the most famous passages in the Bible. Many people read it at Christmas time. But did you know that this story is not about taxation? In fact, it is more like a census. Regardless, this timeless story is still relevant today. It is a story about Jesus, the birth of the Savior and his birth.

    The Christmas story in the Bible begins in Nazareth, a tiny town in Israel. Mary and Joseph were married, and Joseph was a carpenter.

    Birth of Jesus

    The birth of Jesus is a central story in the Christmas story in the Bible. The virgin Mary was engaged to the man Joseph and the Holy Spirit revealed to them that the child would be born to be the king of the Jews. Joseph planned to send Mary away secretly, but an angel from God appeared to him in a dream and told him not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife. He instructed them to call the child Jesus.

    The magi, or wise men, came to Bethlehem to worship the baby Jesus, bringing gifts of frankincense, myrrh, and gold. But Herod was suspicious and ordered his soldiers to kill all the newborn baby boys, including Jesus.

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    Comparison of two Nativity stories

    The two Nativity stories in the Bible are very similar in many ways, but they also differ in important ways. The difference is in the accounts of the birth of Jesus, which are attributed to the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Matthew’s account includes the visit of the Magi, while Luke’s account doesn’t mention any of the Magi. Luke, however, does tell about the birth of Jesus and the shepherds’ adoration of him.

    In the Bible, both stories feature the same birth of Jesus, but the dates and the movements of the family are different. In both versions, Mary questions Elizabeth about whether Elizabeth knew, and Joseph makes sure she is aware of the baby’s impending birth.

    Teaching resources

    The Christmas story in the Bible is filled with profound lessons. To help you teach your students about Jesus’ birth, here are 10 takeaways from the story. You can use them to craft a Bible study lesson or even lead a group discussion. If you want to make the lessons more engaging, use the following questions.

    The first lesson in the story tells how the angel Gabriel presented Mary with the news that she would be the mother of Jesus. You can use these scriptures to talk about the way Mary felt when she received the news and then ask her students how they felt about the news. For a more interactive lesson, you can include a picture of Mary or the baby Jesus in the story. For further reinforcement, you can also create a Christmas Story map for your students to trace. You can also create bookmarks with various bible quotes about the birth of Jesus.

    For older children, you can start a discussion on why the baby Jesus was born. Explain that he came to earth because He loves us. And that His birth was part of God’s plan of redemption. Even the Old Testament prophets had predicted that Jesus would be born centuries before, which means that the event was part of God’s plan from the start.