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Where Is Russia in the Bible

    Where is Russia in the Bible?where is russia in the bible

    If you’re wondering where Russia is mentioned in the Bible, you’re not alone. A recent study points to several places where Russia is mentioned, including Genesis, Ezekiel, and 1 Chronicles. However, the Bible is ambiguous about a handful of other nations. So, who are these nations, and where are they mentioned?


    In the Bible, we can find references to two nations that are related: Togarmah and Russia. Both of these countries were in ancient times associated with the nation of Gomer, son of Japheth. Assyrian records also mention Togarmah, which was a city state in Eastern Anatolia, located in the present-day Turkey and near the Syrian border.

    According to Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, Togarmah is the legendary ancestor of many Caucasians and western Asian peoples. Moreover, ancient Christian authors and theologians considered him to be the ancestor of the Armenians and Phrygians. Other medieval Jewish traditions also link Togarmah to some other nations.


    Meshech was a patriarch of the ancient Moschi people, who lived near the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. He inhabited an area that is now southern Russia. The ancient Moschi/Mushki and Tubalu people lived around the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. These people also lived near Phrygia.

    In the Bible, Meshech is the father of the Moschi, a barbarous people that populated the Moschian Mountains. The Greek word “Moschi” is derived from this name, and this is the source of the modern name MOSCOW. After Meshech, Rapheth founded the Tibereni, a nation to the west of the Moschi. This nation settled in NE Asia Minor.

    Meshech and Tubal were descendants of Noah. Their descendants founded cities and territories named after them. These cities were later known as Moscow and Tobolsk. The Bible also mentions Persia, which changed its name to Iran and eventually became the Islamic Republic of Iran. Today, Iran is one of Russia’s most powerful allies, but is also its greatest enemy.

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    In the Old Testament, God instructed Ezekiel to prophesy against Gog, the prince of the nations of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal. According to Bible scholars, the Russians today are descendants of these ancient people. This evidence has been supported through genealogy study.

    The Bible is also clear that Russia will join the end-time coalition to invade Israel. The prophecies tell us who will be involved, when this will happen, and what the consequences will be for us today. In fact, Russia is mentioned as a great world power in the Bible!

    A map of the world shows Muslim nations and Russia. It also shows that Russia is a major power over the Middle East and is nearly due north of Israel. The verse in question primarily refers to the northeast of the country.


    There are several ways to answer this question. One way is to consider the Bible’s reference to the land of Magog. The land of Magog is part of the ancient world and was inhabited by descendants of Noah. This land encompasses the Black and Caspian Seas, and is situated near the southern border of Russia. The Jeremiah Study Bible identifies this region as former “-stan” countries which were part of the Soviet Union. This area is home to around sixty million people, many of whom follow Islam.

    Another way to approach this question is to examine the Bible’s predictions for the end times. The Bible is full of prophecies about the end times, and many Bible scholars believe that Russia could be one of the nations mentioned.

    Revelation 20

    The Bible does not mention Russia in relation to the end times. While Ezekiel 38 and 39 mention modern countries, Russia is not one of them. These two prophecies were written in the sixth century BC. The Bible does, however, mention Israel, which remains faithful to God. Moreover, Revelation 20:8 refers to Gog, the conqueror who will destroy Satan and his lost people after the millennium. This passage may be interpreted as a foreshadowing of the exile of the Israelites in Babylon. However, Moskala believes that Israel remained faithful to God even during the exile and was not destroyed.

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    Although Russia is not a nation that is mentioned in Revelation 20:2, it does appear in other Bible prophecies. For example, Ezekiel 38:2 mentions a prince named Gog who rules the nations of Ros and Meshech. Using phonetic assimilation, scholars have determined that Ros and Meshech are synonyms for Russia and Moscow.

    Ezekiel 38

    Some Bible scholars believe that the book of Ezekiel is a prophecy of Russia. The book begins by listing many nations that are likely to attack Israel. Although Russia is mentioned in the Bible, it is not mentioned by its actual name. Ezekiel uses the term Rosh, which means “south” or “north.” The Bible’s original audience would have been Israel, so Rosh would be far to the north.

    The Bible’s prophecy of the destruction of Israel explains that the Soviet Union, located in the North, would eventually become the main enemy of modern Israel. Ezekiel also mentions Arab Islamic forces, but in this context, they will be surrounded by “kings.” These nations will lead a march of 200 million soldiers to destroy Israel.

    Revelation 39

    Russia has been mentioned in the Bible in various ways. It is mentioned in the Bible as Gog in Ezekiel 38 and 39. It is also mentioned in Genesis 10:2, but no other passage mentions Gog. It’s not clear who Gog represents. Ezekiel used names of places and people from his time to describe an enemy, so it is hard to say for certain whether Russia is a real entity.

    The Bible does mention Russia in relation to the end of the world, but the Bible doesn’t specifically mention it. Rosh is a shortened version of Russia, which means “north of Israel.” This might mean that Russia was far away from Israel when Ezekiel wrote.

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    Ukraine invasion

    Some prominent end times teachers have speculated that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is featured in biblical prophecy. Many cite Ezekiel 38, which begins with “Set your face against Gog and Magog” as a reference to the northern invaders. These invaders reportedly came to conquer Israel. Some have proposed that the biblical terms for Russia, Gog, and Magog are actually translations of the Hebrew words for Moscow and Gog.

    Some well-meaning Christians have attempted to connect Putin’s latest assault on Ukraine to Biblical prophecy. They cite biblical images of invading armies from the North and proclamations of Armageddon. While this may be a possible connection, careful study of the Bible and the history of the area reveals that the invasion of Ukraine is a sinister act of demonic power.


    There are numerous passages in the Bible that describe the rise of the Antichrist and the involvement of Russia. One of these passages, Ezekiel 38:2, refers to the region of northern Eurasia. Moscow and Tobolsk are among the cities mentioned. Several other places in the Bible also reference Russia.

    rapture index

    The Rapture Index is a compilation of events, which some evangelicals believe are signs of the Rapture. The index has hit a high of 182 after Sept. 11, 2001, and has noted factors such as climate change, coronavirus, and rising oil prices. In the past, some evangelicals believed that Mikhail Gorbachev was the Antichrist, and his birthmark on his forehead was the mark of the beast.

    It’s not uncommon for the Rapture Index to spike when a particular country, such as Russia, takes military action. This time, it climbed to a record high. According to dispensationalists, a Russian-Muslim invasion of Israel is not likely, as Putin wants to retain his naval base in Sevastapol, which allows Russia’s navy access to the Black Sea. The Russian military’s interest in keeping Sevastapol has nothing to do with Israel or Ezekiel 38-39.