You Are a Brand New Creation
You are a brand new creation. You are God’s special possession. You are a royal priesthood. You are a holy nation. God created you for His purpose. You are a royal priesthood, holy nation, and God’s special possession. But what does this mean for you?
You are a brand new creation
In the bible, the phrase You are a brand new creation has multiple meanings. The word new implies contrast. Paul is saying that you are no longer the same person when you connect to Jesus Christ. True salvation means a transformation, not a return to the way you were.
The Bible teaches that we are a new creation in Christ. This is a very important concept to understand when trying to have a relationship with our Heavenly Father. When we are free from the burden of guilt and shame, our relationship with Him improves. Because we are not defined by our pasts, we have no reason to feel guilty.
Our new creation in Christ has access to new power. This power is the Holy Spirit working in us and through us. As a result, we are better equipped to do the good works God created us to do. As a result, we can have a new and fruitful life.
Paul’s analogy of Christ’s death to the new creation we are in Christ reveals its power. The new creation is a representation of our experience of renovation and new life. As such, it is important to understand the relationship between Christ and his death before reading the rest of the Bible.
Being a new creation is an incredible experience. It means that the old life of sin has been completely removed and replaced with a brand new life. This is an amazing experience and sets us up for success in God’s eyes. It also frees us from shame and guilt. It is a gift from God and is worth celebrating and embracing.
You are a royal priesthood
The Bible calls believers “royal priests.” Through Christ’s redemptive work, we are ordained as royal priests, and we are to faithfully discharge our duties in obedience to God’s law and His covenant. As royal priests, we bear witness to the nations about God’s greatness and mercy.
This unique position gives us access to God’s holiest place, and it also grants us the boldness of a king. Our boldness and access to God’s presence are a direct result of being born-again. As a royal priest, you are entitled to the right to administer the Blood of Jesus and the authority to declare the Word of God to others.
As a royal priest, you are a chosen people. As a chosen people, you were called out of the darkness and into the marvelous light. You were once a people of darkness, but God chose you and called you out of darkness and claimed you as his own.
The Hebrew bible refers to the priesthood as a royal priesthood. This is a distinct role from the regular priesthood. A royal priest would have a higher rank than his fellow priests, and he would have the honor and authority to enter the Holy of Holies. This is why the Jews are called “royal priesthood.” If you are a Jew, you are a royal priesthood.
The priesthood in the Bible was divided into three distinct groups. One of them, the Aaronic priesthood, was made up of priests. The Levitical priesthood, however, was made up of one tribe, called the Levites, who were set apart for the ceremonial roles of the temple. But God never intended for those descendants to be the sole priests in the nation of Israel. God’s original plan was to call the entire nation of Israel out of Egypt to serve as a holy nation.
You are a holy nation
If you read the bible, you will realize that God has chosen you to be His people and to be a holy nation. The Jews were once a race of people, though their families and branches were divided. But the coming of King Jesus broke this chain and began a new race. Before the birth of the Messiah, all members of the Adamic race were slaves to sin and under the condemnation of death. But King Jesus redeemed them and opened the way for the full fulfillment of God’s plan. The result is a holy nation that makes God the focus of its society.
The people were called to keep God’s commandments on their hearts, in the home and on the road. They were to wear them as symbols, and they were to write them on their gates and doorframes. They were also to bind them to their foreheads. The laws of God were to be written on their hands, so that they would be visible in every part of their lives.
God’s people are called to live in peace with each other. They are his royal priesthood and a holy nation. The church is spiritual Israel, consisting of those who fear the LORD. The church did not exist before God chose it. However, when God chose us, we became His holy nation.
Israel was chosen by God to be a kingdom of priests and a people set apart by God. They would be a holy nation that would proclaim God’s excellence and goodness to the rest of the world. God called them out of darkness and brought them into the light. God has chosen them to be a holy nation and a model for the Gentiles to follow.
You are God’s special possession
The word “special possession” comes from the Hebrew word “segulah,” which means “treasure”. It describes both the nation of Israel in the Old Testament Scriptures and the people of God in the New Testament Scriptures. In the New Testament, it refers to people who have received mercy from God and have become believers in Jesus.
You are a chosen race
The term “you are a chosen race” in the Bible is a reference to people who are a part of God’s family. The word for race is genos, which is a Greek word meaning “family, stock, or offspring.” In the NT, the word “race” refers to a division of mankind, or a distinct type of human being. As a result, people who are a part of the chosen race should be identifiable with that race.
Various contexts in the Bible make it unclear whether the phrase “you are a chosen race” has a negative connotation. Sometimes, the word “chosen” can refer to both the people of Israel and the people of God. In general, though, the word indicates that God has chosen some people, but not all. The term implies that those who are chosen by God are superior to others. This does not necessarily mean that God predestines people to eternal death, but that he has made them special and has given them a special responsibility to love.
Peter describes this privilege as the result of our salvation in Christ. We have been chosen by God through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, and we are to obey Him. Moreover, we are blessed with every resource we need to advance in holiness. This positional holiness in Christ is an incredible gift from God, and we should be grateful for it.
According to Scripture, the Israelites are the chosen race. They are a holy nation and royal priesthood. This means that they are God’s possession and can display his goodness to the world. They are the chosen people, called out of darkness and into light, and therefore, God has chosen them to be His representatives.
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