Who Was David’s Dad in the Bible?
If you’re wondering “who was David’s dad in the Bible,” you’re not alone. There are a lot of different questions surrounding the subject. Learn about Jesse, Absalom, Uriah, and more. It will help you better understand David and his family.
David’s dad, Jesse, has eight sons. Sadly, none of them was chosen as king by the Lord. Samuel, Jesse’s son, invites the family to a feast, and he sends the seven oldest sons. One of the sons, David, was rejected by God, but Samuel sent him anyways. When he returns to Bethlehem, he sees David and decides to anoint him as the new king of Israel.
David’s dad, Jesse, came from the clan of Ephrath, and lived in Bethlehem, in the country of Judah. His wife, Mary, was a Levite, and her cousin was married to a priest named Zechariah. Joseph, as a Levite, would have been unable to take on Jesus without his clan’s permission. But he legally took on the infant at a young age, and had to go between Bethlehem and Saul’s camp, a sacrificial act for a non-Jewish child.
However, David’s father, Jesse, trusted his son David, and was supportive of him in his golden years. He sent a wagon loaded with food to David, even though he did not know the date of his death. He wanted his parents to be safe, and David worried about his parents’ well-being.
Although Jesse is a minor player in the drama of biblical history, he is crucial to Christ’s lineage. His son, Jesus, is the descendant of David, so this lineage is important to understand. In the Bible, Jesse is a pillar of faith and a symbol of God’s redemption of all the nations.
In addition to David, Jesse’s parents had other sons, including Obed. One of their sons was named Obed, and the name is often confused with David. Some scholars believe the names are synonymous.
There are a number of theories about the ancestry of Jesus, including that he was the son of Mary. However, the genealogy found in the Bible is not entirely consistent. The earliest traditions attributed Davidic ancestry to Mary. The genealogy of Matthew, Luke, and Joseph also shows that they were descendents of David. The bible does not specifically state that Mary was the father of Jesus, but it does state that she was the mother of Jesus.
The Greek word for “father” in this context is aner (#435), which generally means a human adult. In general, a man’s father would be his husband. However, this is not the case in the New Testament, which uses the word aner. The word aner can also mean “relative.” Elizabeth had to be related to Mary through her mother. Elizabeth’s father was Aaron.
Other Bible passages indicate that Mary was not the father of David. While Matthew 1.6 and Luke 3.31 mention Mary’s ancestry, no mention is made of her father. However, the fact that she married Joseph makes her legally part of the House of David. While this theory is not fully accepted by Protestants or Catholics, it does provide some information about the ancestry of the Messiah.
Although it is doubtful that Jesus would have inherited the throne of David, his royal inheritance would have passed through the male line. In Israel, the law allows daughters to inherit a father’s possessions if they marry within their tribe. However, because of Mary’s lack of brothers, her lineage was very limited. Joseph and Mary married within the tribe and eventually became heir to David. In addition, Jesus inherited the throne of Judah after Joseph’s death.
David had three sons and Absalom was the first. David’s son, Absalom, rebelled and killed his half-brother Amnon, and then he tried to take over his father’s kingdom. Absalom mirrored his father’s shortcomings, and he allowed selfishness to rule his life. His sinful ways led him to oppose God’s plan and unseat David as king.
David’s son Absalom ran away to Geshur, the home of his mother’s father. David’s father David longed to make amends with Absalom, but Absalom was not allowed to be in David’s presence for two years. Absalom was so desperate that he even invited David’s sons to a sheep-shearing festival. But when the king found out, he ordered his soldiers to kill Amnon. Absalom hid in Geshur for three years, never visiting his father again.
The rebellion began after Absalom began to build a reputation among the Israeli men as the future king. Absalom’s success quickly caused David to flee to Hebron and seek help. He was determined to fulfill a religious vow and had asked the king to grant him permission to do so.
Absalom was the third eldest son of David. He was also the grandson of King Geshur, who ruled the southern Golan. Later, it became Gaulanitis. Absalom spent three years in exile in Geshur before Joab, David’s general, rescued him and granted him a two-year pardon.
Absalom had no other children and died in battle. His long hair had caught in an oak tree. Joab, David’s general, was responsible for slaying Absalom, leaving David heartbroken. Absalom’s daughter Maacah would eventually marry David’s grandson Rehoboam. She would later become the foremother of all future Davidic kings. In fact, Absalom was considered an ancestor of Jesus Christ.
In the Bible, Uriah is described as a Hittite, but he was actually born Jewish, although he lived among the Hittites. Uriah taught David the art of slaying Goliath and secured his Jewish wife, Bath-Sheba. But the biblical story does not end there. Uriah was eventually sentenced to death for rebellion and refusing to take ease in his own home.
While many Israelites condemn Uriah for his loyalty to David, we should praise him for his courage and loyalty to David. We should also remember that he was a Gentile convert who stood up for the faith of his son David. His faith and obedience put many Israelites to shame. He will be rewarded in the coming kingdom of God.
David’s parents were not perfect, but Uriah was. He was not perfect, but he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD. After Uriah died, David married Bathsheba. This was a terrible sin, but it covered up David’s sin. As a result, many terrible things happened.
After David found out that Bathsheba was pregnant, he tried to cover it up. He sent a messenger to report the attack and the Israelites’ losses to David, but Uriah refused to leave. David’s reaction to this news was hypocritical.
David would have been familiar with Uriah, who was one of his brothers. He is one of the closest people to David and would have known David well. But it is unknown whether David actually had sex with Bathsheba. David’s father was close to Bathsheba, and Uriah was one of David’s most trusted warriors.
Absalom’s rebellion against David
Absalom’s rebellion against David is one of the most disturbing chapters in the Bible. Absalom tries to make David look bad by claiming that David did not have any judicial provisions. Apparently, Absalom is not a fool – he is the son of David, who ruled over Israel.
Absalom did not repent of his actions and acted in rebellion against his father. He stood at the city gate and listened to the people’s complaints, and then lied that he was “one of the tribes of Israel”. He wanted to please the people, so he lied and rebelled against his father.
Absalom did not love David. He may have even hated him. However, a good relationship can be formed when both parties have positive feelings toward each other. Absalom lacked this love, and he had no idea that his father loved him. As a result, he was unable to succeed in his plans to dethrone David.
Absalom’s rebellion against David is one of the most tragic chapters in the Bible. His actions undermine David’s standing and reputation among the people. It also causes a great divide in Israel. Ultimately, he dies by the hand of his half-brother Joab.
Absalom was impatient to become king and used his growing base of support outside of Jerusalem to stage a rebellion against David. He forced David to flee Jerusalem, but David was able to protect his life with mercenary troops and a loyal general named Joab. David’s loyal army remained in Jerusalem, while Jonathan and Ahimaaz served as spies.
When Absalom’s army approached Jerusalem, David fled to the wilderness. He and his trusted servants escaped east through the Kidron Valley. He ordered Hushai to infiltrate Absalom’s court and convince him to ignore the advice of his adviser Ahithophel. This gave David crucial time to gather his troops and prepare for the attack. Absalom’s death also led to a great mourning for David.