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Who Were Mary’s Parents in the Bible

    Who Were Mary’s Parents in the Bible?

    Throughout the Bible, Mary is mentioned by name several times, particularly in the Synoptic Gospels and in the book of Acts. In particular, Luke makes many references to Mary, focusing on her role in God’s plan to reveal Himself in the form of a child. She is mentioned during the genealogy of Jesus, in the visit of the wise men, in the presentation of Jesus at the temple, and in Jesus’ rejection by the Nazarenes.


    The story of Anne and Mary’s parents is a well-known one in the Bible, but few people know their true identities. Although Joachim and Anne do not appear in the canonical gospels, their story is told in the apocryphal Protevangelium of James, which modelled the story of the miraculous birth of Jesus on other biblical birth narratives. In the story, the parents of Mary, who is referred to as Mary, are grieving for their unmarried children and are blessed with a child in their old age.

    While Anna and Joachim were relatively wealthy, they did not live like kings. Instead, they lived modestly and generously, sharing their possessions with those who asked. Moreover, they were deeply pious and discussed the wonders of God. Although their situation was not ideal, Joachim and Anne made sure that they were prepared for the baby’s birth.

    The story of Anne and Mary’s parents is very interesting. The first legend about the couple’s parents tells us that they wished for a child but couldn’t conceive. They promised to dedicate the child’s life to God. But it turns out that their efforts were worth it: they were blessed with a child. The baby, called Mary, was born after the Gospel of James was written.

    The story of Anne and Mary’s parents is a popular subject in Christian iconography. Often, these two figures are depicted with the Blessed Virgin, Jesus and Mary.


    It’s unclear if Heli was Mary’s father in the Bible, but it’s possible. While the Bible does say that Heli was Mary’s father, it doesn’t say that Heli was the biological father of Jesus. It does say that Heli was the father of Joseph. It also says that Heli had two daughters, Mary and an unnamed wife.

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    There are two different versions of the family tree. Matthew and Luke mention Joseph’s mother’s father, Heli. While the name Joseph appears in both places, Luke refers to the mother by her husband’s name, indicating that Heli was her biological father. In addition, the greek text doesn’t use the word “son” in the name of Joseph.

    While Matthew and Luke use masculine terms for their family tree, Matthew uses feminine forms for Mary and Jesus. The genealogy in Matthew uses the feminine form for the name Joseph, which is different from the masculine form used in Luke. In addition, Matthew also includes women like Tamar and Ruth. The genealogy of Jesus in Matthew and Luke includes a lot of common material.

    Although Heli was Mary’s father in the Bible, it is not certain that he was a descendant of David. According to Luke’s genealogy, Heli was a direct descendant of Judah. This lineage is confirmed by Gabriel, who confirmed Jesus’ Judean lineage.


    Simeon was the name of a man who met the baby Jesus in Jerusalem. He was also a church member in Antioch. He was listed in Jesus’ lineage, but the Bible does not give much detail about his life. However, it is known that he was devout and righteous.

    Simeon blessed the child’s parents and said, “Behold, this child is destined to bring many people to fall into the world, and will be the sign of the ages.” He also told Mary that his son would be the savior of the world, but that his life would be a sorrowful and mysterious one. Simeon’s words were interpreted in several ways, but essentially, they refer to Mary’s participation in the passion of Jesus.

    Simeon was an elderly, devout man. He went to the temple with Mary and Jesus, and he spoke words of thanksgiving and prophecy. His name appears in Luke 3:30. This makes Simeon Mary’s ancestor, and therefore in the legal lineage of Jesus.

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    Simeon’s words imply that Jesus will bring glory to Israel, salvation to the world, and truth to the Gentiles. Simeon’s words amazed Mary and Joseph.

    Simeon’s prophecy

    Simeon’s prophecy begins with the words, “You are the rock of offense to many.” It continues with these words, “You are the rock of offense” as he predicts the future of the baby. In this way, Simeon’s words about Mary’s parents connect her life to the mission of Jesus. Mary would become his faithful co-worker in the salvation of the human race.

    Simeon’s prophecy also foreshadows the suffering that Jesus will face as the Messiah. He will face a harsh response from his contemporaries. His vision also depicts Mary with a sword in her heart, uniting her with Christ’s somber destiny. In the end, this suffering will culminate in the Passion.

    Simeon was a prophet, and had been promised by God to see the Messiah in his lifetime. He awaited that moment all his life. Even when his expectations did not come true, he was content with his prophecy. Simeon had an inner conviction that the child was the promised Savior.

    Simeon’s age is not given in the Bible. However, the Catholic Church and other Christian churches still use Simeon’s prophecy in the Latin Nunc dimittis. Simeon is also commemorated in music and poetry. His name is Simeon Theodochos in Greek Orthodoxy and Simeon Bogo-Priimets in Russian Orthodox tradition.

    Simeon’s wife

    Simeon was a devout man who was in Jerusalem just before the birth of Jesus. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel and was filled with the Holy Spirit. He gave blessing to Mary and told her that she was carrying the child that would bring many people to repentance. But Simeon also warned her that the child would bring many opposition.

    Simeon’s wife was also a well-versed in the Bible and had heard that the Messiah was on the way. She had a prophetic insight into what God was doing and would do. She was waiting for the consolation of Israel and the redemption of Jerusalem, which God had promised in the Bible. She knew that she would be the mother of the Messiah.

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    Simeon was one of many who were looking for the Consolation of Israel. He knew that Isaiah’s prophecies about a Messiah who would comfort His people. As a result, he longed for His coming and praised God for His goodness.

    Simeon was not to be confused with Simeon (son of Jacob). He was a “just” man of Jerusalem who met Mary, Joseph, and Jesus in the Temple. This happened on the 40th day after Jesus was born.


    According to the Bible, Joseph was the earthly father of Jesus. The Bible describes him as a skilled craftsman who obeyed God even in the face of great humiliation. His actions reflect his convictions and are exemplary. The Bible also describes him as a righteous man who responded to God with obedience and self-control.

    Joseph was a kind man. Although he had the legal right to divorce Mary when she became pregnant, he intended to divorce her quietly so as not to bring shame upon her. This allowed him to protect the legitimacy of Mary’s virgin birth. As a result, he did not have sexual relations with Mary until after she gave birth to Jesus.

    Joseph was also a priest during the reign of David. He led the priests and was the head of Shebaniah’s household during the days of the high priest Joiakim. He married Mary, the mother of Jesus. Joseph and Mary had a son who is known as Jesus’ half-brother. This son is sometimes called Joses or Mattias. Joseph was also a close follower of Jesus, and provided a burial for Jesus’ body.

    While the word “father” in the Greek text does not actually mean husband, in Aramaic it means “mighty man.” In verses 16 and 19, Joseph is described as the “husband” of Mary, not her father.

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